
Streamlined Implementation Solutions: Unlocking Success with Talent Team's Expert Guidance and Seamless Integration Services


Our implementation experts have been working with Oracle Applications for many years. As a result, they have the requisite experience and specialised knowledge to ensure the success of your project.

We ensure the configuration and parameterisation of the solution fully covers your business requirements and meets your expectations.

Regardless of your industry and the selected solution, with the Unified Oracle Method (UOM), Oracle’s Full Lifecycle Method for Deploying Oracle-Based Business Solutions, you can achieve superior results.

Unified Oracle Method

Oracle is evolving the OUM to realise the vision of supporting the entire Enterprise IT lifecycle, including support for the successful implementation of every Oracle product. You can tailor OUM to support your specific project situation. With its ready-made templates, guidelines, and scalable work breakdown structure, OUM provides the programmatic tools you need to manage the risks associated with your project.

OUM provides support for Application Implementation, Cloud Application Services Implementation, and Software Upgrade projects as well as the complete range of technology projects including Business Intelligence (BI), Enterprise Security, WebCenter, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Application Integration Architecture (AIA), Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Integration, and Custom Software. 

OUM includes three Focus Areas – Manage, Envision, and Implement. OUM's Manage focus area provides a framework in which all types of projects can be planned, estimated, controlled, and completed in a consistent manner. OUM’s Envision focus area deals with development and maintenance of enterprise level IT strategy, architecture, and governance. Envision also assists in the transition from enterprise-level planning and strategy activities to the identification and initiation of specific projects. The Implement focus area provides a framework to develop and implement Oracle-based business solutions with precise development and rapid deployment.


Our consultants are ready to discuss your needs

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